Still struggeling to find a gift for your special someone... CHECK THIS OUT, it's not too late!
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I am very much a fan of less is more for editing. I try to get the images as close to perfect IN in camera. This speeds up processing, giving me more tine behind camera and less behind a computer!
We have the pictures, now we need to import them onto a computer, make sure they are safeguarded by backing them up and pick which ones we will edit!
For those of you who have not noticed that I am a geek... this should clinch it for you. The combination of science and photography in an informative video! Awesome! The guys at Filmmaker IQ made this great video explaining how camera sensors work... lots of science in it, but it is very well explained and easily digested. So I suggest you check them out, subscribe to their channel and all the rest of it too! :) Thanks, and enjoy!
You know where you are going and what you want to shoot, you’ve got all your gear ready and packed; now you have to actually get the shots! Here is a video of the shoot, and under that some tips for you to keep at hand to make sure you get as much as you can from a shoot!
Part 2 of my "from start to finish" series, taking you through the planning, execution and processing of one of my shoots!
So, you know where you are going, and what you want to shoot (see #1 A shot list & location), you now need to pack and prepare accordingly!
It does not matter how good your camera is, or how much your lens costs, because without batteries and memory cards, they are worthless!